May 29, 2001
Bill Joins Us For a Ride
Bill Maloney is a good friend from Austin, Texas. Bill and I have known each other since 1994 or so, and have come to enjoy each other's wit, humor and general outlook on life. I also think that Bill has enjoyed, or at least been entertained, watching me grow up. Bill scheduled a Las Vegas vacation with the idea of joining us for a short ride while we were there in town - which was a real pleasure.
is a shot of Bill, Garrett and myself at Red Rock just outside of Las Vegas.
Shortly thereafter, Garrett would entertain us all by attempting to climb red
rock in full motorcycle regalia. I love Garrett - but he is nuts.
Bill will be quick to tell you that he has been riding longer than you have been alive, which is a good thing. At the pace Bill rides it is a good thing he has a 20 year head start :-) Bill rides at the speed limit while Garrett and I tend to follow an equation something like M=A(1.5) where M = Motorcycle speed and A=speed of fastest nearby automobile - so, if the fastest automobile is driving at 50mph - we need to be traveling at 1.5 times that speed, or 75mph. This also takes care of accidents - you can't be hit if no one can catch you. It does get tricky around 70 mph though. Frankly, it is a wonder we didn't die in a big fireball a couple of times on this trip - and Bill was very nice to not taunt us for the times we nearly killed ourselves. The other explanation is that Bill has a family and isn't in a big hurry to leave his daughter without a father - especially not if he can avoid it.
is a shot of my friend Bill in the saddle, doing what he enjoys:
Here is a shot of the three of us in Red Rock - in a picture that I really enjoy:
I put this picture here to let you know, that I know, that yes - I am a jackass.
That being said - one of the things I love about certain - less respectable - motorcycle magazines are the shots from the saddle. Pictures taken of motorcyclists, by motorcyclists. Bill enjoyed watching Garrett and I pass our camera back and forth to take the following shots:
Scott Riding Garrett Riding And the coolest shot ever taken from a motorcycle
After we left Red Rock we went on to the Mountains - where we discovered that yet again we were not dressed properly. Again we went from screaming hot to about 55 degrees in a matter of about 30 minutes.
Here is the last shot I have of Bill and Garrett from the trip -
afterwards we rode back to Vegas and met back up for Blue Man Group at the Luxor. .