2013 Ozarks

Jasper, Arkansas and The Ozark Grand Canyon












Scott gets the group LOST

The route we were SUPPOSED to take

The route we actually took - about an extra hundred miles

So, the day started out the way it would for the rest of this trip - with an amazing sunrise watching the fog rise up out of the valley below.

We got up, geared up and headed in to Jasper for breakfast.  Really the downtown square of Jasper needs to be used for a LOT more photoshoots.  It is incredibly scenic, has great personality and feels like something out of a movie.  It's hard to point your camera in a wrong direction from the center of the square.


This is us at the start of the day, looking fresh and cute and ready to attack the roads.


And this is Carrie, realizing that the road I wanted to turn on (over an hour ago) was in fact a dirt road and that we not only missed it, we missed it big time.  We were nearly in Fayetteville for gas and a very much needed pee break when we realized we could take 74 all the way back.  Honestly the ride was terrific, the roads were really good and some great scenery.  74 Back was more than a little confusing and more than once we had to stop, turn around and make sure we were going in the correct direction.  One of the weak spots of this part of the country is signage.  They do a GREAT job letting you know the next turn is steep or crooked and what speed you should be going to take it properly.  They do a TERRIBLE job telling you what road you are actually on and where it's taking you.

Carrie was awesome, never complained or gave me a hard time about getting us lost.  She did joke that it was my plan all along to take her on a longer ride.  The truth is I was embarrassed and worried that she wasn't having a good time.  This would be an even bigger issue later when I got us lost a second time.  This time I was testy, but mostly it was OK.

I THINK we ate pizza this night and nearly set the cabin on fire because the oven has no way to regulate temperature.  It's either 5,000 degrees or it's off.  We ate semi burnt pizza and watched TV.  Now that I think about it, yeah, we watched Breaking bad and ate burnt pizza.  It was awesome :-)